Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Channeling Bill Douglas


Channeling Bill Douglas

            A tiny sprig of a thing - an orphan alone in our garden - the sprout might have died. Grubbing weeds between azalea shrubs one spring day, I nearly yanked the small shoot out of the dark soil - a seedling no more than two inches high, with soft green needles, as defenseless as any small lifeform left to the elements.
            Usually cavalier and careless about ridding my garden of any vegetation that doesn't belong there, I join most gardeners in the belief that weeds are the Devil's spawn, ghoulish reminders that from primordial green ooze we came and to the loamy land we shall return. The Sisyphean labor of removing prolific rooted varmints does not generally incline me to mercy. Whoever invents a commercial use for crabgrass, pigweed, buttercups, dandelions, groundsel, chickweed, and their ilk will reap millions. (The same goes for dryer lint or dust bunnies.)
            This day, however, something stayed my ruthless hand. What I was about to pull out of the ground was undoubtedly a tree, and a non-deciduous one at that, its "trunk" not much thicker than a toothpick. Frail, but a tree regardless, I decided to spare it, if only out of curiosity. It flinched when I pulled a tiny clover stem away from its base, and it seemed to stand more securely when I firmed the soil around it with my fingers. My wife cut out the bottom of a clear plastic cup and settled it around the youngster to protect it from the elements and marauding cats.
            We adopted it.
            After a few months, the little volunteer looked like it could stand on its own so we removed the plastic cup. It weathered our usual rainy winter and grew enough the next spring and summer to reveal itself as an infant Douglas fir. After a few years, it had branched well, and it asserted itself in its patch of earth like a confident young boy with his arms crossed. More years passed and it grew. And grew. But here the anthropomorphizing must stop. It was only a tree - we thought.
            In the Pacific Northwest where we live, Douglas firs grow speedily and so prolifically that they're considered as weeds themselves in some quarters. Still, we marveled as it grew straight and tall and green over the years.
            Then, one fine morning, reality intruded. Our adoptee was immense and in the wrong place, alongside our front stoop and buttoned in by a driveway and a retaining wall, both of ancient vintage. As the tree had grown, the wall had begun to bulge and finally to warp the siding of the house and the basement window and door. Safety required its removal. Not the tree's fault, obviously. Ours. What to do? 

            My mind went back some years to another durable survivor of the Northwest, Supreme Court Justice William O. Douglas of Yakima, Washington. Justice Douglas was 74 years old when he wrote his memorable dissent in the case of Sierra Club v. Morton. He'd served on the High Court for 36 years, longer than anyone else. Appointed by Franklin Roosevelt in 1939, Douglas died in 1980 at age 82, mourned by liberals and civil libertarians across the country, but never more so than by advocates in the increasingly vocal environmental movement.
            The Morton Case, decided in 1972, was a landmark case in the early days of what is now the recognized field of environmental law. The Sierra Club asserted that simply as an organization it had the right to challenge the Interior Department's grant of a permit to build a ski resort in Sequoia National Park. The case tested the concept of "standing," where traditionally only parties directly injured by the act of another have the right to sue for redress.
            In his famous dissent, Douglas asserted that persons and organizations should have the right to sue on behalf of the very "inanimate object[s] despoiled, defaced, or invaded where injury is the subject of public outrage."
            Justice Douglas wrote,

    "Inanimate objects are sometimes parties in litigation [ships in maritime law, corporations] .. So it should be as respects valleys, alpine meadows, rivers, lakes, estuaries, beaches, ridges, groves of trees, swampland, or even the air that feels the destructive pressures of modern technology and modern life. The river, for example, is the living symbol of all the life it sustains and nourishes - fish, aquatic insects, water ouzels, otter, fisher, deer, elk, bear, and all other animals, including man, who are dependent on it or who enjoy it for its sight, its sound, or its life. The river as plaintiff speaks for the ecological unit of life that is part of it."

            Critics scoffed. Developers were outraged. Rocks and trees have rights? You have to be kidding! Some said he'd stayed too long, ought to retire, in his dotage - which would have brought a smile to the face of his pretty wife Cathy, 44 years his junior. In fact, Bill (as old friends addressed him) was alert and bright and as hard-working as ever, continuing to enjoy his beloved Cascade Range and hanging out with fishing and hiking buddies back home.
            Opponents increased their call for Douglas' retirement, or worse, impeachment. But environmentalists, successors to Aldo Leopold, John Muir, and the like rejoiced. This was, to be sure, ground-breaking territory even though a dissenting opinion. 

            Now, looking out of our second-floor bedroom window, I steeled myself to saying goodbye to our beloved 45-foot tall Douglas fir. It was about to be cut down.
            Trees are marvels of botany and physics. A tree is a factory, a living factory, loading up on nutrients in the soil, transporting them skyward through a vast circulatory system and mixing them with carbon dioxide in the air and sunlight through the miracle of photosynthesis. Trees produce leaves and needles, bear flowers or cones or fruit and thereby sustain and recreate themselves. The hydrostatic pressure that keeps the smallest blade of grass erect is multiplied enormously in a tree - tons of pressure, from bark to branch to leaf or needle - to raise a massive, growing thing high into the air and hold it there.      
            Out our window, beautiful long-needled branches, ends tipped in emerald clusters and bearing bright chartreuse cones sticky with sap, had long since grown up above the gutters and beyond. Each spring, new growth on the nearest branch would beckon to come right into the room, Little Shop of Horrors-like, growing noticeably closer year after year.
            From far down the block, our tree was a visible landmark, welcoming us home after a trip or serving as a reference point for first-time guests. Its brittle, brown cones littered our lawn and walkway. Its lower branches had to be trimmed annually to allow passage to the front door. At Christmas, I'd string lights across its boughs and top them with a star. Our kids grew up and moved away; neighbors came and went. Our tree stayed.
            Now the fateful day had arrived. As I watched, oblivious branches danced merrily in the wind. Or were they waving goodbye! Or were those pleas to not do what the woodsman's axe had been summoned to do? Necessity governed our decision, like regrettably eradicating a wasp's perfect nest hanging in the wrong place. We'd weighed all alternatives and sadly reached the only conclusion.
            Neither my wife nor I wanted to be around while the dismemberment took place. She left, but I stayed to keep an eye on the loggers. When she came home several hours later, branches and logs were gone as we'd specified, leaving empty ground and a level clean stump, and stray remnants of sawdust here and there.
            Part of the personality of our home of thirty years was gone. The prospect of planting a more appropriate tree - say, a modest Japanese maple - was little consolation. My wife and I didn't survey the scene for long. We held hands and walked back in the house, quiet with our own thoughts. 

            What would Bill Douglas have done? As a son of the hard, dry land of Eastern Washington - not to mention many years on the bench - he was nothing if not a realist. He'd probably have given the tree last rites and bid the woodsman do his job. He'd help buck the logs and put them up for firewood to be used after a long winter's hike up a flank of Mount Adams. No tears, I bet.
            RIP, Bill Douglas. RIP, Douglas Fir.

            The Interior Department won the case but lost the war. The majority opinion in the Morton Case held that, although the Sierra Club by itself did not have standing to sue, a named member of an organization - a hiker or fisherman, say - did have standing to allege injury to his or her environmental or aesthetic interests. This changed the way environmental lawsuits were brought thereafter.
            A personal note. In late 1968, Justice Douglas graciously agreed to swear me in as an attorney along with others I rounded up in Washington DC who'd just learned they'd passed the California Bar Exam.

Monday, August 6, 2012

The Old Man and the Seat

            Another comes on and another comes on
            Another one rides the bus
            Hey, who's gonna sit by you?
                        Al Yankovic

            The young man took the steps up into the bus in a leap and landed not far from where I sat. Facing the small number of inattentive passengers with his feet spread, eyes wide, and arms outstretched, he announced loudly, "They threw me out of the house. Said I'd broken every rule they had. Now where do the f***ers think I'm gonna stay?"
            Maybe he had to out-shout his earbuds. White spaghetti leads dangled past his teenage face -- eighteen or so, I guessed. Clean-shaven and not disheveled, he wore blue jeans, a t-shirt with a faded Beastie Boys logo, and sneakers. He was defiant and agitated.
            "I broke curfew a little bit, and some sonofabitch said I brought drugs into the house which is a goddamn lie. I said tell me who and I'll ask him to his face. And I know who the asshole is, but they wouldn't tell me. I asked Carolyn where's my check then. She said you paid the month, the money's gone. I said bullshit on that, so they piled my stuff on the porch. My sponsor's on vacation."
            The bus sat at the terminal, an un-busy hub in my small town. The driver got back on the bus and the boy walked past me and found a seat. The conversation continued behind me. A middle-aged couple with matching backpacks and ponytails sat across from the boy.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Paying Forward

Paying Forward

            Today Becca's dad Dick is busy rebuilding The Girls' back fence. Dick also restores vintage cars in the garage next to Becca and Todd's house. The Girls' daughter is Kady, who tracked down the "neighborhood" crutches for me recently when I injured myself on my bike. Turns out they were at Wendy the Amazing Dog Walker's house. Wendy walks our dog Amazing Gracie. Gracie fetches the ball over and over for ten-month-old Oscar who giggles uncontrollably. Oscar lives next door with his mom and dad Robin and Ryan whose house is between Todd and Becca's and ours.

            The "Girls" are Zara and Rebekah (not to be confused with Becca), moms of Kady and also of two-year-old adorable Natasha for whom Gracie also retrieves the ball. (Dog owners know it's all about the ball.) They are also caring for Raya, age two months, placed with them as temporary foster parents right from the hospital. They are saints! Foster parenting is also how Kady, the crutch-finder, and Natasha came to live with Zara and Rebekah.

            While Dick worked on the fence, Robin and son Oscar were over visiting two-month-old Cora, the newest addition to our neighborhood and the daughter of Jill and Joel who live across our lively alley from us. Jill and I tend our gardens and compare notes - when I'm not laid up, that is. Joel fishes and brings us Dungeness crab in season, and Jill, a working mom, grows flowers commercially as a sideline.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Bedtime Story

          Who knew there were so many fun things to do when flat on one's back in bed for three weeks and counting? How dare I complain? It hasn't been all that sunny outside anyway -- typical Juneuary in the Pacific Northwest -- including serious monsoons, serious gulley-washing downpours lashing the trees and sending picnic tables and chairs flying horizontally for nearly an hour.
            Ha ha ha, you poor able-bodied people! Forgive my gallows humor.
            "Deep groin pull," said the doctor. "Aaghh," saith everyone else I repeat the diagnosis to. Both are accurate.
            I am thankful that, when I took flight over the top of my handlebars and landed in the street (a) my face didn't hit first, (b) I'm not now a soprano, (c) the oncoming car saw me in time to stop, and (d) apparently I was able to execute a full twist out of a pike position for which even a stingy panel of judges would have given me nothing lower than a 9.6! But it hurt like hell to barely lift my right foot off the pavement, let alone walk. Walk I did, however, four blocks home dragging my right leg Festus-like and trying to guide a wobbly and useless bicycle.
            The first week of convalescence, shooting groin pain was so severe it brought tears to my eyes. Lifting my right leg to, oh, walk . . . to, let's say, the bathroom? Ever encouraging, the doc said it'd get worse before it got better. "Usually six to eight weeks," spoke Dr. Bedside, "and not much we can do for it. Or for the rib you seem to have broken or cracked -- doesn't really matter which, does it? Bed rest. Pain meds. Nurse Ratched, write up a prescription for the lad, please." Exit exam room, stage left.
            "Nothing we can do" was the lame (sorry) outcome of a trip to the doctor's office I forced myself to make using a borrowed wheelchair via a hydraulic lift into paratransit vehicle #1; out of the doc's office and into vehicle #2; across several blocks to X-ray; up onto the exam table to the tune of whinnies of pain in front of an open-mouthed technician and nurse; back out to vehicle #3  and to home where a kind neighbor managed to extract me from the wheelchair, muscle me up five front steps, and collapse me into bed.
            Which is where this narrative began. Bored? Complain? Moi? As I moaned softly from time to time, I also:
  • Silently cursed well-wishers and their "It could have been worse" refrains despite the fact that they were right.
  • Stared at the ceiling or out the window when it wasn't raining and watched happy, mobile neighbors gather, chat, play whiffle ball and soccer, and bike off down the alley.
  • Played infinite games of solitaire on my iPad as hour after draining hour passed.
  • Learned to shower sitting on a bench that's half in and half out of the tub. (Warning: The shower spray thingy has a mind of its own. Do not antagonize it! If you can't reach it to get to some part of your body, just forget about it and pretend you did.)
  • Slept (a lot), waiting in vain for the miracle cure that would see me waking from the bad dream and bounding out of bed.
  • Listened to books on tape and read eBooks; print books required turning pages and jostling.
  • Contemplated what it would be like to be able to turn over; because of the rib damage, I couldn't sleep either on my back or on my right side -- think fetus-like, very large and overweight.
  • Stared at the ceiling some more and gauged the dimensions of my nine-by-ten-foot room/cave (which direction was the nine, and which the ten?).
  • Assessed the overall ambience of a bedridden person's room -- the clutter, mussed sheets and bedspread, bottles of meds, crumpled heating pad and extension cord, the faint stuffy smell, a flyswatter (?), and a certain unmentionable item.
  • Memorized the latest poem I like, "O Solitude" (Keats).
            Were we having fun yet? This could depress a person. It wasn't what I'd planned for the early days of my retirement.
            But then there came breakthroughs. Visits from the physical terrorist slowly became productive. I graduated from a wretched gray aluminum alloy walker with defective wheels to better one -- with a seat! (Nothing marked the extent of my situation more than the look on visitors' faces when they'd first see me guide my flimsy, noisy walker into the room. A silent OMG every time. Repeat visits were rare.) The walker, however, caused shoulder pain until I was taught not to lean on it, just use it to steady myself. At least I was out of bed from time to time.
            Breakthrough #2, the drug cocktail. An inexact science, to be sure, but helpful. Since I was unable to use narcotics, I resorted to a mild analgesic which, along with extra-strength Tylenol and ibuprophen allowed the pain to decrease from sharp yelps to a moderate ouch with each step. Sleeping became more doable. Fiddling with the dosage and mostly following instructions, things started to get better. Largely, my mood.
            Breakthrough #3, a handrail thingamajig anchored under the mattress, which gave me the leverage to pull myself upright in bed. (The handle was even wrapped with golf club grip leather!) This was most helpful during the night when I'd need to . . . actually I'll skip the detailed logistics (see "unmentionable item," above). Suffice it to say, my "liquid throughput" apparently had not been affected by this calamity. Let's also say that thirty years of loving spousehood had never been so "intimate." My wonderful wife was a saint!
            Breakthrough #4, the cane! After the walker, I'd matriculated to a set of borrowed crutches. Mistake! Lacking a cushioning pad on one side and scrunched up into my armpit on the other, the crutches aggravated the rib injury which swelled, became even more painful, and set back sleeping for two nights. Who knew that might happen and have warned against it? Three guesses; the first two don't count.
            Then I found I could use a cane, a spiffy looking shiny mahogany objet d'art handed down from my mother. The cane freed me up to travel to all sorts of far-off, inaccessible and wondrous locales such as our upstairs master bedroom for a visit, and out into my backyard, sitting in the sunlight watching goldfinches and chickadees fight over the thistle feeder. I could lift myself into the truck and be driven for long journeys through town, some for nearly an hour, all the while marveling at everyone else's mobility.  

            Things improved, of course, albeit at glacial speed. So why record this odyssey? Why bemoan my outcast fate at this length? So readers will feel sorry for me? Of course.
            But also to remind myself of what less-abled people endure every day -- the permanently wheelchair bound or those on crutches or confined to bed, those with chronic pain that drugs don't help, the alone and unvisited and lonely, often with fine caregivers but who have no loving family or friends.
            I will take up my bed and walk at some point (John 5:8), drive a car, hike a mountain trail, walk the dog, maybe even ride a bicycle! The sun will shine again, even here. I pulled up the blinds today and gazed at the suddenly bright-white mock orange out my window whipping in the Juneuary wind.
            This episode is for later, to reread so I don't forget my good fortune. For now, in the meantime … oops, gotta go -- literally!